Friday, February 1, 2013

2 iPhones & 1 Mac

Recently one of my best friends and his wife upgraded to the new iPhone 5.  They are super happy except one thing, they see each others messages and mails.  Not that they have any secrets from each other just to much clutter.  So they turned to me to find out how to resolve this hiccup.

A quick google search found several resolutions to the issue.  Depending on the individuals and what one wants to share will determine the set up path that works best for you.  Instead of trying to rewrite the methods below you will find a description of links to look at.

The discussion in Mac-Forums focuses on separate user accounts on the Mac and then sharing the iTunes library to both accounts thus separating the phones.

The second link is a pleasant read and like the third link discusses three resolution to resolve multiple iPhones in one household and how to minimize iTunes and App Store cost.

The last link actually discusses three different options to include the one above.  This is probably the best link of the three to look at; however, reading all of the links will give a better understanding of the subject matter in general.

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